Grain consumption patterns, their respective nutrient contribution and related health outcomes in Canadians.

  • Term: 2 years, beginning 2018

  • Status: Complete

  • Funding Amount: $ 43,125

  • Lead Researcher(s): Dr. Hassan Vatanparast

  • Funding Partners: Alberta Wheat Commission, Grain Farmers of Ontario, Mitacs

Project Description

The primary goal of this study is to investigate and provide knowledge about the common consumption patterns of grain-based foods among Canadians and contributions of grains to Canadian’s nutrient intake, health and wellbeing. More than 41 percent of field crops produced in Canada are consumed within this country. However, there is little information available about the common consumption patterns of grain-based foods among Canadians as well as the health outcomes associated with different degrees of grain-based food consumption. Using the most recent Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) released in July 2017, this study will investigate and analyze the data to understand the contributions of specific grain constituents such as dietary fiber and minor components such as minerals and vitamins to diet, health and wellness of Canadians.

Currently in Canada there is very little scientific research on the nutrient contribution and health outcomes of eating foods made from enriched-non-whole grain (refined) wheat, such as white bread, bagels, hamburger buns, pasta, etc. There is a significant amount of research on the health outcomes and nutrient contribution of eating whole grain wheat products. Canada’s Food Guide (CFG) is being revised currently and Health Canada has proposed that we increase our consumption of whole grains and decrease our consumption of enriched non-whole grains (refined grains). Until there is a systematic evaluation of the scientific evidence regarding the nutrient contribution and health outcomes of consuming enriched-non-whole grains (refined) foods, we will have no data to share with Health Canada to inform their development of the CFG. Similar research was completed in 2016 in the U.S. and it showed that enriched non-whole grains (refined) made significant positive health and nutritional contributions to the diets of Americans.

The results of this project will benefit the partner organization, consumers and policy makers by providing information about the status of grains consumption in Canada. In addition, it is expected that the research results will affect Canada food guide' s recommendations and possibly the demand of grains-based foods in Canada.