Posts in FHB
U of S FHB research providing promise for spring wheat and durum producers

Fusarium head blight (FHB) is such a prevalent and destructive problem for Saskatchewan wheat producers that Sask Wheat has made it a research priority, investing millions of dollars into projects studying how to combat the fungus and minimize its damage. Two of those projects were recently completed. One project tested potential new sources of FHB resistance in spring wheat while another focused on improving FHB management in durum.

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FHB, ResearchSask Wheat
Be prepared for FHB this growing season

In spite of the current weather not seeming to favour the development of FHB, FHB cannot be ruled out and producers must be prepared to manage it in 2019. With many crops hitting the heading stage soon, it will be important for producers to have their management strategy in place to minimize FHB infection, with the frequent scouting of fields and consideration of applying fungicide during the optimal timeframe being key elements of an effective management strategy.

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FHB, AgronomySask Wheat